Friday, September 5, 2014

Blog Instructions

Hi!  Welcome to my blog!

As I prepare for my trip to Italy, I thought I'd give you some instructions on how to use this blog. 
  1. First, you should bookmark my blog address so you can easily access it.  Make sure you have the correct spelling!
  2. Commenting: The great thing about a blog is that we can all participate.  I'll post pictures and musings and if you have questions or just want to say hi, you can comment on my posts. To post a comment, follow these simple steps:
    • At the bottom on the post there will be a link that says how many comments have been posted.  Click on this.
    • Type your comment in the text box.
    • You will see "comment as" and then a drop box of choices. You can select either "Name/URL" and type your first name (leave the URL blank) or select "anonymous" and then sign your name in the text box. Either way, make sure you have signed your name! All comments are moderated by me and if your name is not on them, I will think it is spam and delete it.
    • Click publish and you're done! Your comment might not be immediately visible because I have to approve it, but fear not, it shall appear within a day or so.
Hope that was helpful!  Check back next week for my first post and pictures!  I don't want to make any promises until I see my schedule in Italy but my goal is to post at least once a week :)



  1. Heyyy. This is Trevor remember the crazy kid. Yeah, ok. I really like the Dome of Florence and I wrote a fantastic report about The French Renaissance. Written and Illustrated by Trevor Jensen. Haha ok I am amazed by the food it sounds so good and I have never heard of gluten free pizza and I didn't know you were gluten free. It was nice talking to you and I might get a blog also so I will tell you what it is called if you want to check it out. I will check in on you every week. We miss so much. Oh and get good grades. Bye.

  2. Hi Isabella! Looks like your having great time there. The pictures u took are BEAUTIFUL. The food sounds AMAZING.

    Maddie Lachance

  3. hi Isabella this is Ashley, Trevor's younger sister.i love the big city cause it is very beautiful. I hope that you have a fun time there.

  4. Dear Miss Isabella,
    I am in awe by everything in Italy. It makes me want to pack up my bags and go visit now! My favorite is the church with the beautiful art on the walls and ceilings. I can't wait to read more about Italy!
    Sincerely, Mariyah
    P.S.: I've got some questions. Hopefully you'll be able to answer!
    1. What kind of animals live in Italy?
    2. Are there Italian celebrities that are very popular among the people?
    3. About how many people live in Italy compared to the amount here in Florida?

  5. I love the squirrel at the beginning of the blog. I didn't know that it can do that in Italy it is very weird! Hope to keep up with your posts.

  6. Ashley, I'm glad you like it! I thought it was cute too :)
    Mariyah, I've tried to answer your questions below. Hope it helps!
    1. I'm not sure about the rest of Italy but in Tuscany, the region I'm living in, there are supposed to be lots of deer, wild boar, foxes, and porcupines. I'm living in the city though, so all I get to see are pigeons and the occasional bat.
    2. I'm sure there are very popular celebrities but I haven't seen/heard of any just yet.
    3. These are very big numbers but the population of Italy is about 60,000,000. The population of Florida is about 20,000,000. In Florence, the population is about 370,000 versus about 255,000 in Orlando.


Hi there! Leave me a note!
(remember to sign your name)