Thursday, November 13, 2014

La musica italiana!

Ciao a tutti!

The other night as I was getting ready for bed, a car drove by blasting a Jovanotti song (popular Italian singer) and I realized that I hadn't done an Italian music post yet.  Since I finished my second midterm today and only have one more to go, I thought that sharing some music with you all seemed like a great way to celebrate!  I tried to find videos that have the lyrics (and, when possible, the english translation) so that you can sing along if you want. :)

To start with, here are a couple songs we've learned in class:

Volare (Nel blu dipinto di blu) - 1963, Domenico Modugno
Classic Italian song from the 1963, which we recently sang in our language class.  Your parents probably know this song ;) 
Lyrics are only in Italian but volare = to fly, cantare = to sing.

L'Italiano - 1983, Toto Cutugno
One of my favorites from first-year Italian, this fun song highlights all good, stereotypical parts of Italian culture.  Italian lyrics + a good English translation :)


O sole mio - 2011 Il volo
Another great classic from 1898, this version is sung by Il Volo which is a trio of young men who sing "Italian operatic pop".  They have several other great songs (including some in Spanish) which you should check out :)  Also, o sole mio = my sunshine.

Controvento - 2014, Arisa
 This song won this year's Festival di Sanremo, an important music festival/competition that takes place every year.  I couldn't find an English translation, but I was able to find her singing it for a TV show.

Non cambierò mai - 2013, Baby K feat. Marracash
I've included this one to show that not all Italian songs are slow, emotional ballads.  This one is a rap so if that's your thing, enjoy :)   The lyrics are in Italian.

Per dirti ciao - 2012, Tiziano Ferro
The title literally means "to say ciao to you" and it is by my favorite Italian singer, Tiziano Ferro!  I have been listening to his songs since I started taking Italian and they have really helped me remember words and grammar concepts.  

Fun fact: Tiziano also sings in here is the same song but en Español :)

And finally, per concludere (to conclude), here is the Jovanotti song that I heard the other night and which prompted this post.

Tutto l'amore che ho (all the love I have), 2011, Jovanotti
Unfortunately I couldn't find a good quality video with an English translation so here are more Italian lyrics for you. :)

That's all for now!  Let me know which is your favorite!  I have many more songs to share with you in a later post. ;)


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